6. Entering Percentage Values in the Gradebook

After completing the above steps for Gradebook, you will be able to enter your calculated values in order to complete our Gradebook setup. In order to finalize your Gradebook follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Moodle course.
  2. Click on Gear menu on the top right of your course.
  3. Click Gradebook setup, located in the dropdown menu.

Editing Values in Moodle Gradebook:


  1. Weights Column: Displays the weight applied to each category and assignment.
  2. Max Grade: Displays the max point value for each assignment you have created.
    • Note: This point value can be changed at the Assignment level.
  3. Actions: Displays an Edit menu with actions available to each assignment and category.
  4. Select: Displays selection button for each assignment or grade items within a category.
    • Note: This will allow you to interact with the Move dropdown menu at the bottom.
  5. Weight Checkbox: Allows you to Enable the weight field for a desired item.
  6. Weight Textbox: Available AFTER enabling weight, allows you to enter the desired weight for the selected item.
  7. Move dropdown menu: allows you to move the selected items into a catergory that you have created.