Quizzes Overview

7. Creating a Quiz Overrude

Quiz override enables an instructor to change the quiz settings for an individual student. For example, the disabilities office may require a student be given double the time to complete an exam or an instructor could allow for a student to retake a test. A quiz override allows you to provide accommodations for those students.

Follow the instructions below to access the Quiz User Override Option:

  1. Log in to your course.
  2. Find the Quiz you wish to alter.
  3. Click the Quiz title.
  4. Click on Gear Menu on the top right of your course.
  5. Click User overrides, located in the dropdown menu.
  6. Click the Add user override button at the top of the screen.
  7. Select Override user from the available list.
  8. Modify the override settings to suit your needs.
  9. Click the Save or Save and enter another override button to complete the process.

NOTE: There is no limit on the number of quiz overrides.